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Managing Projects From the Command Line Interface for VxWorks Development

·944 words·5 mins
Command-Line Manage Projects
Table of Contents
BSP - This article is part of a series.
Part 5: This Article

This article gives introduction to managing projects from the command-line interface for VxWorks development.

Exploring the Environment

Setting the Build Environment

Environment variables must be configured so that you can build from the workstation command line.

WIND_HOME is installation dir (installDir) WIND_BASE is vxworks-7 (or vxworks-6) dir From WIND_HOME:


$ ./ –p vxworks-7 (or vxworks-6)

OR to preserve existing bash shell:

$ eval `./ -p vxworks-7 -o print_env -f sh


> wrenv.exe -p vxworks-7 (or vxworks-6)

Setting the Workspace


$ export WIND_WRTOOL_WORKSPACE=installDir/workspace


> set WIND_WRTOOL_WORKSPACE=installDir\workspace

Exploring VxW Source Projects (VSB)

List VSB layers:

> wrtool prj vsb list vsbName

List All CPU Architectures Supported in this VxWorks Installation:

> wrtool vsb listcpus

Get VSB Configuration:

> wrtool prj vsb value get vsbParam vsbName

VSB Configuration

Exploring VxW Image Projects (VIP)

Which BSP + VSB is the VIP based on?

> wrtool prj vip info vipName

Which components are included in this VIP?

> wrtool prj vip component list vipName

Where are this component’s source files?

> wrtool prj vip component info vipName componentName

What is the VIP’s default bootline?

> wrtool prj vip parameter value vipName DEFAULT_BOOT_LINE

Creating New Projects

Create a VSB

wrtool vxprj vsb create -S -force -bsp bspName -lp64 -cpu cpuName -smp myVSB

e.g. bspName = itl_generic, cpuName = NEHALEM Add “-debug” to enable debug symbols Remove “-lp64” for 32-bit VSB

Add a VSB Layer

wrtool vxprj vsb add vsbName layerName

Build a VSB

cd myVSB; make -j 32

Create a VIP

wrtool vxprj create -smp bspName vipName -profile profileName -vsb vsbName

e.g. bspName = itl_generic, profileName = PROFILE_INTEL_GENERIC Add “-debug” to enable debug symbols

Add a VIP Component

wrtool vxprj component add vipName componentName

Add a VIP Bundle

wrtool vxprj bundle add vipName bName


Which bundle is added to a VIP ?

wrtool vxprj bundle list vipName

Create a downloadable kernel module (DKM)

prj dkm create -vsb vsbName dkmName

Create a real-time process (RTP)

prj rtp create -vsb vsbName rtpName

Add a File to a Project

prj file add fileName prjName

Add “-link” to link to, not copy the file

Debugging Drivers

Exploring Exceptions


STATUS edrShow (int start, int count, int facility, int severity)

From the kernel shell:

-> edrShow()

Exploring Fatal Exceptions

  1. Set a breakpoint in sysToMonitor().
  2. When target breaks, examine the CPU link register to get the calling address.
  3. Set a new breakpoint there and re-run.
  4. Keep working back till you find the problem.

Deferring Driver Startup (VxBus 2 / SR0660 and later)


List the driver names to be deferred separated by a colon (:) in VIP parameter VXBUS_DRIVER_DEFER_LIST_STR.

Manually Deferring and Initializing a Network Driver (VxBus 2)

Convert network driver from static to dynamic driver registration. For example:

  1. Locate VXB_DRV_DEF (VXB_DRV_structure_name) and comment line out.
  2. Create a new function in the driver:
void addMyEnetDrv() {
  1. Reboot target and from the kernel shell:
-> addMyEnetDrv()
-> ipcom_drv_eth_init(“drv_name”, 0, 0)
-> ifconfig (“drv_name0 ip_address netmask net- mask up”)

VxWorks API Calls

VxWorks Message Queue Library


MSG_Q_ID msgQOpen (const char * name, size_t maxMsgs, size_t maxMsgLength, int options, int mode, void * context)

STATUS msgQClose (MSG_Q_ID msgQId)

MSG_Q_ID msgQCreate (size_t maxMsgs, size_t maxMsgLength, int options)

STATUS msgQDelete (MSG_Q_ID msgQId) ssize_t msgQNumMsgs (MSG_Q_ID msgQId)

STATUS msgQSend (MSG_Q_ID msgQId, char * buffer, size_t nBytes, _Vx_ticks_t timeout, int priority)

ssize_t msgQReceive (MSG_Q_ID msgQId, char * buffer, size_t maxNBytes, _Vx_ticks_t timeout)

STATUS msgQInfoGet (MSG_Q_ID msgQId, MSG_Q_INFO * pInfo)

VxWorks Pipe I/O Driver


STATUS pipeDevCreate (const char * name, size_t nMessages, size_t nBytes)

STATUS pipeDevDelete (const char * name, BOOL force)

STATUS pipeAnonCreate (size_t nMessages, size_t nBytes, unsigned flags, int * pFd)

VxWorks I/O Library

int open (const char * name, int flags, ...)

int creat (const char * name, mode_t mode) int remove (const char * name)

ssize_t write (int fd, const void * buffer, size_t nbytes)

int close (int fd)

ssize_t read (int fd, void * buffer, size_t max- bytes)

int ioctl (int fd, int function, )

VxWorks Show Routines


STATUS dosFsShow (void * pDevName, u_int level)


void poolShow (POOL_ID poolId, int level)


STATUS objShowAll (OBJ_ID objId, int showType)


STATUS wdShow (WDOG_ID wdId)


STATUS taskShow (TASK_ID tid, int level)


STATUS symShow (SYMTAB_ID pSymTbl, char * substr)


STATUS stdioShow (FAST_FILE * fp, int level)


STATUS moduleShow (char * modNameorId, int options)


STATUS memShow (int type)
STATUS memPartShow (PART_ID partId, int type)


void envShow (TASK_ID taskId)


STATUS msgQShow (MSG_Q_ID msgQId, int level)


Int timer_show (timer_t timerId, int verbose)


STATUS semShow (SEM_ID semid, int level)


void fppCtxShow (FP_CONTEXT * pFpContext)


STATUS memEdrPartShow (PART_ID partId)


STATUS vmContextShow (VM_CONTEXT_ID context)


void vxbDevShow (VXB_DEV_ID pRoot, int toggle)

void vxbDrvShow (void)


void vxbPciCtrlShow (void)

STATUS vxbPciDeviceShow (VXB_DEV_ID busCtrlID, UINT8 busNo)

void vxbPciTopoShow (VXB_DEV_ID busCtrlID)

STATUS vxbPciFuncShow (VXB_DEV_ID busCtrlID, UINT8 bus, UINT8 device, UINT8 function)

VxWorks Logging and kprintf Library


int logmsg (char * fmt, _Vx_usr_arg_t arg1,

_Vx_usr_arg_t arg2, _Vx_usr_arg_t arg3,

_Vx_usr_arg_t arg4, _Vx_usr_arg_t arg5,

_Vx_usr_arg_t arg6)


int kprintf (const char * fmt, ...)
ssize_t kputs (char * buffer)

VxWorks Events Library


STATUS eventClear (void)

STATUS eventReceiveEx (UINT32 events, UINT32 options, _Vx_ticks_t timeout, UINT32 * pEventsReceived)

STATUS eventReceive (UINT32 events, UINT8 options, _Vx_ticks_t timeout, UINT32 * pEventsReceived) 

STATUS eventSend (TASK_ID taskId, UINT32 events) 

VxWorks Semaphore Library


SEM_ID semBCreate (int options, SEM_B_STATE ini- tialState)

SEM_ID semCCreate (int options, int initialCount) SEM_ID semMCreate (int options)

SEM_ID semOpen (const char * name, SEM_TYPE type, int initState, int options, int mode, void * con- text)

STATUS semClose (SEM_ID semId)

STATUS semDelete (SEM_ID semId)

STATUS semFlush (SEM_ID semId)

STATUS semGive (SEM_ID semId)

STATUS semTake (SEM_ID semId, _Vx_ticks_t timeout)
BSP - This article is part of a series.
Part 5: This Article


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